The Great Health Benefits of Oolong Tea
Oolong tea is not as famous as green tea or black tea you consume every day. But, it is gaining significance these days. Oolong tea has gained importance these days as it contains no calories. It is used as one of the best wellness drinks these days.
The history of Oolong tea dates back to Chinese and East Asian cultures. Oolong is made from two different worlds, “Oo,” which means black, and the word “Long,” which means dragon. The black and the long dragon-like leaf of Oolong is a specialty.
If you compare it with black tea and green tea, the Oolong tea comes somewhere in between. The taste and the flavor of Oolong tea can vary from one brand to the other. For example, the flavor of two major Oolong tea, the Art of Tea and Twinings vary.
The taste of tea can also vary depending upon the level of brewing and the level of oxidation.
Oolong tea that is minimally oxidized is lighter in color and more floral. At the same time, the more oxidized version is dark in color and has a fruity taste.
The origin of Oolong tea dates is said to be in Baiyun and Fujian province. Both these Eastern regions have a long affair with tea, and different other varieties of tea like Jasmine tea and hibiscus tea is also famous in these regions. Fujian and Guangdong regions have tea ceremonies at regular intervals to escape everyday life pressure and stress.
Oolong tea is famous in all Asian cultures, and these days you can even get a delicious cup of Oolong tea in McDonald’s, Japan. Oolong tea has a long history, and it has been popular ever since the culture of drinking tea began. Oolong tea is not only good for health; it is also reputed for being esoteric and sophisticated.
This article will try to know every little detail about Oolong tea and how it is beneficial for health.
What is Oolong tea?
Oolong is a traditional Chinese tea manufactured by a unique withering process under the strong sun and oxidation process before curling and twisting. The taste of Oolong tea varies from one region to another.
It has a sweet and fruity taste with a honey-like aroma in some places, and in other regions, it has a thick and roasted aroma. The taste and flavor depend upon the horticulture and the method of production. Different variants of Oolong tea are manufactured at the Wuyi Mountains of Fujian and in Taiwan’s Central mountains.
If you are looking for a tea that can give you a rich and flavorful taste and numerous health benefits, your choice should be Oolong tea.
Nutritional value of Oolong tea
Like black tea, green tea, and Chamomile tea, Oolong tea also contains different vitamins, minerals, and many antioxidants. Following are the nutritional components of Oolong tea:
100 grams of Oolong tea contains:
- Water: 99.84 grams
- Calories: 1 gram
- Carbohydrate: 0.15 grams
- Fluoride: 5–24% of RDI
- Manganese: 26% of RDI
- Potassium: 1% of RDI
- Magnesium: 1% of RDI
- Niacin: 1% of RDI
- Caffeine: 36 mg
Oolong tea caffeine content
Generally speaking, Oolong tea contains a high caffeine level compared to green tea, but it contains a lesser quantity of caffeine than black tea. Depending upon the type of brand and type, the caffeine content in oolong tea ranges from 16.6mg/cup to 55.4mg/cup.
For the last few years, Oolong tea has become famous as one of the best beverages that aids in weight loss. Drinking Oolong tea in moderation will help you in reducing stress and being alert.
Health benefits of Oolong tea
There are plenty of studies that reveal that Oolong tea is one of the best beverages to solve different health ailments. No matter if you are drinking hot Oolong tea or Cold Oolong tea, it can help you stay fresh and alert for a long duration. Since caffeine content in Oolong tea is very less, it will prevent you from health-related issues. Let’s know the major benefits of Oolong tea:
Oolong tea benefits for weight loss
Different studies have confirmed that Chinese Oolong tea has numerous health benefits as far as weight loss is confirmed. Oolong tea helps reduce excess weight by improving the fat burning capacity and the metabolism of our body.
Oolong tea also contains lipid-lowering capacity. The antioxidants present in Oolong tea helps in scavenging harmful free oxygen radicals. This free oxygen leads to weight gain by disrupting the normal functioning of our cells.
Different studies have revealed that drinking Oolong tea regularly helps in inducing fat mobilization, and it is also beneficial for increasing the functioning of pancreatic lipase. Many scientists opine that Oolong tea can be used as one of the best ways to eliminate obesity and fatty liver.
Oolong tea benefits your brain
Oolong tea contains L-Theanine, which is an amino acid that helps in improving sleep and relaxation. Thus, drinking Oolong tea at regular intervals will help you get the relaxation you deserve in this chaotic life. L-theanine is also responsible for stimulating alpha waves in the brain that help gets a focused state of mind.
Many scientists believe that drinking Oolong tea regularly can also help prevent cognitive diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease as this tea contains high levels of EGCGs and L-theanine.
The caffeine content in the tea will also help you in increasing neurotransmitter activities in the brain.
Oolong tea benefits your heart
Everybody knows that regular consumption of antioxidants can help in improving heart health. Since Oolong tea contains high antioxidants, it reduces cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure, which are the major reasons for poor heart health.
In a recent study conducted, it was found that people who drank 1.4 liters of Oolong tea every day had 51% fewer chances of suffering from any poor heart conditions.
Regular consumption of Oolong tea can also reduce the chances of high Blood pressure by 46%. Thus, it can be said that there are multiple health benefits of Oolong green tea. If you care about your heart’s health, try to include Oolong tea as a part of your everyday diet.
Oolong tea benefits against cancer
As per a laboratory test conducted, it has been found that Oolong tea can help in getting rid of breast cancer.
In a Chinese province study, scientists revealed that regions with high Oolong tea consumption had low cancer cases.
The use of Oolong tea helps stop the growth of breast cells, and the extract also hampered the DNA of the cancer cell. Thus, it inhibits the growth and progression of all kinds of tumors.
Oolong tea benefits against cancer
Many researchers have claimed that drinking Oolong tea did not improve blood sugar levels or insulin levels in a person, but it can lower Type II diabetes risk. In a 30-day study conducted in Japan, it was found that daily consumption of Oolong tea can lower the glucose levels in the body.
The caffeine content present in Oolong tea also helped in reducing the chances of Type II diabetes. The polyphenols present in Oolong tea can help keep the blood sugar levels and insulin levels in control. The antioxidants present in Oolong tea also helps in delaying the levels of glucose absorption in the body.
Oolong tea benefits for your sleep
There are multiple health benefits of Oolong tea, and one of the biggest benefits of Oolong tea is that it helps you in getting a restful night of sleep. By drinking Oolong tea at night, you are giving it the dose of relaxation needed for sleep.
Since Oolong tea helps eliminate excess weight and stress, you will automatically get good sleep at night. Thus, stop your midnight snack and have a cup of Oolong tea every night.
Oolong tea benefits for your skin
You already know that Oolong tea is power-packed with antioxidants, one of the most important components that you need to get youthful and shiny skin. The antioxidants present in Oolong tea also help in fighting free radicals, and thus, you will get rid of all signs of aging if you consume Oolong tea every day.
In addition to this, Oolong tea can also help in fighting skin disorders like eczema. Since Oolong tea has comparatively less caffeine content, it won’t make your skin saggy or full of acne. Thus, all men and women out there who want to have the best skin have two or three cups of Oolong tea every day.
Oolong tea benefits for your hair
For all people suffering from hair fall, the best thing you can do is drink a cup of Oolong tea every morning. The antioxidants present in Oolong tea help fight all types of dysfunction that can lead to hair loss, and it also helps prevent all types of bacterial and fungal infections in your scalp.
Your overall health determines a lot about your hair health. Thus, have a cup or two of Oolong tea if you want to have shiny and smooth hair.
Oolong tea benefits for your mental health
Oolong tea is one of the best beverages that can reduce all kinds of mental health problems. From chronic conditions like Parkinson’s to general conditions like depression and anxiety, the use of Oolong tea will help you in getting the best state of mental health.
You will feel more relaxed, motivated, and stressless if you consume Oolong tea every day. These days, everyone around us faces one or the other types of mental health issues, and the use of Oolong tea can be quite helpful in getting rid of all issues.
Oolong tea benefits for kids
Most parents forbid their kids from drinking beverages like tea and coffee. But there is no harm in serving a cup of Oolong tea to your kid. The best part about Oolong tea is that it contains different vitamins and minerals like manganese, selenium, copper, and potassium.
All these minerals and vitamins are essential for better growth and nutrition in kids. Give your kid a cup of Oolong tea, and his bones and teeth will be healthy. If your kid has diabetes, you should give him a cup of Oolong tea every day.
Oolong tea benefits for men
Just like white tea and Jasmine tea, Oolong tea is also beneficial for men’s health. When it comes to peach Oolong tea’s health benefits, it helps improve overall health.
Regular consumption of Oolong tea will help you in preventing mental illness, heart diseases, Diabetes, and different other diseases. In addition to this, those men who want to reduce excess weight should include Oolong tea in their diet.
Oolong tea benefits for women (and Pregnancy)
Although tea is highly beneficial to women in general, pregnant women need to reduce Oolong tea intake. You can have a cup or two of Oolong tea, but try to limit consumption as Oolong tea contains caffeine, which may not be good for pregnant ladies. In general, conditions, drinking Oolong tea can lower the risk of ovarian cancer in women.
Benefits of Oolong tea Vs. Green tea
Oolong tea and green tea are both famous amongst tea lovers. If you are a regular tea drinker, you might be thinking about which one is better for you. When it comes to benefits, both these tea varieties are highly beneficial for health.
Oolong tea, as well as green tea, are similar in the benefits they provide. Both these tea varieties help reduce weight, improve blood sugar levels, and prevent heart diseases. Thus, when it comes to a choice between Oolong tea and Green tea, you can choose any tea as per your preference and taste.
Health benefits of Oolong tea Vs. Black tea
If you want to drink tea just because you want to boost energy, black tea can be a better option than Oolong tea. It is because black tea has higher content compared to Oolong tea. In terms of taste, Oolong tea is considered a better option. In terms of health benefits, both these tea variants are equally beneficial.
Drinking black tea as well as Oolong tea will help you in staying hydrated, and the antioxidants present in tea will help you in fighting free radicals. Thus, the choice between black tea and Oolong tea depends on your taste and drinking tea requirement.
Oolong tea and your diet
Since Oolong tea does not contain many calories and consists of different vitamins and minerals, you can easily include Oolong tea as part of your everyday diet.
How to add Oolong tea to your diet?
No matter if you are looking to lose some extra pounds or want to take precautionary actions to improve your health, trying Oolong tea can be the best option.
Oolong tea does not contain much caffeine; thus, you can easily include it as part of your diet. You can drink Oolong tea as part of your morning tea and breakfast, or you can also drink it before you go to bed.
What is the best time to drink Oolong tea?
Oolong tea is a healthy beverage that can be consumed at any time of the day. But, when you drink it at a certain time of the day, it will be more beneficial. Oolong tea is an excellent choice of drink in the early morning as it will help you wake up and stay refreshed in the morning.
You can also use it as a replacement for black tea during the afternoon. Different varieties and brands of Oolong tea come up with different caffeine content. So, check the caffeine content before drinking Oolong tea at night. Drinking Oolong tea before workout and exercise can also be pretty beneficial.
The only point you need to keep in mind is never to consume Oolong tea on an empty stomach as it may cause dizziness, upset stomach, and even anxiety.
How many cups of Oolong tea should I drink a day to lose weight?
The number of cups may vary depending upon your body type, shape, and weight. But generally speaking, Try to drink two to three cups of Oolong tea every day to reap maximum benefits. Since Oolong tea does not contain many calories, you can even aim to drink more than 3 cups of tea to get maximum benefits in a short span.
Is it safe to drink Oolong tea every day?
Many reports have been released that says that drinking Oolong tea every day is highly beneficial for health. Oolong tea and different other types of tea contain high levels of Fluoride.
Thus, drinking tea can help in getting rid of cavities. But, excess Fluoride can be harmful. Thus, if you want to drink Oolong tea every day, try to limit consumption up to 1 liter of Oolong tea to reap maximum benefits.
Oolong tea recipes
Oolong tea originated in China, and most often, people from East Asian countries like to drink Oolong tea. Most people don’t want to try a new variety of tea or beverage, as they think they won’t prepare it. You don’t need to worry as we will help you prepare Oolong tea in a simple and easy process.
How to make Oolong tea?
Follow this step-by-step process to prepare Oolong tea easily.
- Prepare tea leaves by brewing Oolong leaves. You may even get pre-packaged tea leaves from the market.
- Prepare water: It is important to use good quality water to get delicious Oolong tea. Heat your water at 180-Fahrenheit to 200-Fahrenheit to get perfect brewing.
- Steep the tea for two to five minutes. If you steep for a longer duration, you will get a richer and full-bodied taste of the tea. Allow the tea to steep for one minute, and then keep on checking for every 30 seconds to get your preferred tea flavor.
You can also prepare Oolong tea in a western style, which is called iced tea. Under this process, you have to follow the same brewing process and then let the tea cool before serving. You can even add ice cubes if you want chilled Oolong tea.
How to drink Oolong tea?
You can drink Oolong tea as part of your morning routine by brewing the leaves and drinking it with its natural flavor and sweetness. Some people also blend milk and sugar to get a distinct taste of Oolong tea.
Side effects of Oolong tea
There are health benefits and risks of Oolong tea. Thus, you need to be aware of the health benefits and the side effects of Oolong tea. Oolong tea comes up with multiple health benefits.
But, you need to be aware of its demerits. Side effects of Oolong tea include mild headaches, sleep problems, and dizziness for some people. If you are prone to different types of allergies, make sure to consult your doctor before you start consuming Oolong tea. Pregnant women should limit Oolong tea consumption up to one cup every day; otherwise, they may face sleeping issues.
Oolong tea reviews
People all over the world are loving the taste as well as the unlimited health benefits offered by Oolong tea. Thus, there are multiple positive reviews of Oolong tea. Many people have claimed that they feel happy and energetic after consuming Oolong tea regularly.
Where to buy Oolong tea?
You can Purchase Oolong tea from stores available near you, or you can also try eCommerce platforms like Amazon and Etsy to get the best quality Oolong tea at the most affordable price.
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